Developing resilience

Do you want to develop personal resilience and strengthen your ability to thrive in the face of uncertainty?

Developing resilience is essential in navigating the challenges and uncertainties of life. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and maintain a positive outlook amidst adversity. By intentionally cultivating resilience, we can build the mental and emotional strength needed to overcome obstacles and thrive in the face of adversity.

What they will learn


A strong recognition of resilient behaviours and how to develop them.


How to practically work with the six domains to enhance resilience.


Implementation of boundaries and how to communicate them.


Awareness of thinking traps and their impact on mindset.

How is it delivered?

20 minutes digital learning

90 minutes Virtual Classroom

30 minutes digital learning

Embed into the flow of work

What is involved?

Resilience is the ability to cope with challenges and become stronger because of them. This programme looks to enhance your resilience, both personally and professionally, to take on new opportunities and communicate boundaries to protect your wellbeing.

By working with the six domains of resilience you will know which behaviours, skills and beliefs to develop to feel more resilient. During the facilitated live session there will be the opportunity to share best practice and discuss planned application to your role.

Suitable for: This session is facilitated live by a learning expert and aimed at individuals who want to develop their personal resilience by making positive changes to their environment and physical practices.

Download our full OnDemand learning solutions brochure

We have developed several OnDemand Interactive Learning Solutions to enable you to start your company’s learning journey swiftly and effortlessly. We incorporate our blended learning technique and cover a variety of topics to solve many business challenges. Download our brochure to find out more.

If you are looking for a tailored approach to learning within your business, contact us.

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