
The Client

The world’s leading real estate advisor identified a need to develop leadership talent within the organisation. To meet this need, OnTrack, which has been working with this organisation for over a decade, created the Foundations of Leadership programme for new Directors, headed up by OnTrack’s Principal Consultant.

The year-long programme provides newly-promoted directors with the tools and skillsets to effectively manage their teams and culminates in a personal project, which each delegate presents at the end of the course.

Delegate Challenge

The 2012/2013 joint winner in the Foundations of Leadership Programme, joined our client whilst working for two years in Australia. He has since worked as associate director in the UK one of the largest accounts where he was responsible for overseeing global projects and managing a team of up to six people, his success meant he was promoted to full director level.

“The programme came at the right time for me,” he explains. “I had previously identified a need for a better grounding in leadership and to gain a better understanding of the motivation and drive behind the people in my team. Then the opportunity for further training came about when I was promoted to director level.”


The solution

OnTrack Solution

Light bulb moments 

The award winner describes the Foundations of Leadership programme as “a series of light bulb moments” which taught him valuable people management tools, such as how to motivate his team, as well as reinforcing existing leadership skills he already knew on a subconscious level but needed the confidence to know it was the right approach. 

“The course really linked a lot of things together for me – you are hearing why people are motivated, what motivates them and how you’re going to get the best out of them. It taught me exactly how to approach situations and get the best from my team.” 

“Personable and passionate”

Our client was particularly impressed with course leader Mary who he describes as personable and passionate. “She was personable to the point where we knew about her and her life, which, as she stresses, you need to know your team members well, you need to know their backgrounds and their beliefs to get the best out of them. Strategically, she did that so we wouldn’t be scared of doing that with our own teams.”


The outcome

OnTrack Measured Results

Demonstrable results

Crucially the course provided the Directors with the space to reflect on the role within the organisaiton and how best to manage teams. As explained, it gave them airtime to test ideas and learn new skills.

“My new role means that I am entirely responsible and accountable for my team. I now deal with everything from appraisals to HR issues. The course has been a perfect mix of learning new techniques and solidifying approaches I already knew but wasn’t sure how to put into practice. It’s given me the confidence to manage my team better and get the best out of people.”

OnTrack International’s views

“The final part of the Foundation of Leadership programme is where each delegate gives a formal presentation to their programme colleagues and their line manager. They discuss a business-based project that they have worked on throughout the programme. The purpose of both the project and presentation is to demonstrate application of what they’ve learned to show a tangible ROI. 

“The winning presentation truly blew me away; I found it an utterly humbling experience. I am not often moved to tears but it was so good that his fellow delegates and I were overawed. The quality of the content, the extent to which he has clearly applied so many of the Foundation of Leadership tools, the way he applied himself to both the project and the programme was outstanding. I concede to feeling a little smug to think I may have played a small part in his development.” Principal Consultant, OnTrack International.