Why is e-learning a dirty word?

Andy McKay, Digital Learning Developer at OnTrack International, discusses the stigma attached to e-learning.

E-learning is much maligned. Lacklustre presentations and dull design can create a feeling of “death by PowerPoint”. And when e-learning fails to engage, it’s likely that those taking the course or training will fail to learn.

But it doesn’t need to be this way. Creative and engaging e-learning can instead fuel curiosity and growth and enable employers to unlock individual, team and business potential.

What’s the issue?

While many […]

OnTrack International launches ‘OnTrack OnDemand’

‘Off the shelf’ programmes offer blended learning solutions to companies embarking on their L&D journey

Learning and development consultancy OnTrack International has launched OnTrack OnDemand, an interactive learning solution developed to enable businesses to embark on their learning journey swiftly and effortlessly. OnDemand incorporates OnTrack’s blended learning techniques and covers a several topics to address many business challenges.

As people experts, OnTrack helps global businesses overcome challenges while supporting their people to grow. The firm delivers powerful results for its clients […]

Face to Face Training – A learning and digital perspective

Why Are Face To Face Interactions Dying Out?

When I was recently talking to a client she mentioned that their learning strategy would not be including face to face training anymore and instead they would be adopting more digital learning.

 “Why?” I asked…

Her answer was this: “We don’t see quick results from face to face interactions. They are too costly and we can’t really afford to have people out of the business for a couple of days. We should be adopting more […]

Leveraging Digital Difference

Technological change and advancement is increasing every day. It has never been as fast as it is today, and tomorrow it will be even quicker. With this massive advancement comes a whole host of exciting new possibilities. Everyone can be connected, everything can be done quicker, and the way that we live our lives has been revolutionised.  Many people, including myself, couldn’t fathom a world without today’s digital culture, but it does lead to wonder, what really is the effect […]

Why you can’t ignore digital learning

The business case for digital learning used to be about cost effectiveness, saving travel time, increasing the uptake of learning and tracking usage, so you can more easily evaluate your return on investment. Yes, these benefits still apply. But there are now two much more compelling reasons why you need to embrace a digital learning culture. (Article originally published  on www.hrreview.co.uk)

Firstly, your learning provision should reflect the way that people want to learn. Knowledge is no longer restricted to a select […]

Are we set for digital learning?

The technological revolution continues at a pace and so does the appetite for digitalisation – whether that’s video calling a colleague overseas using your smartphone or ordering your weekly shop to be delivered to your home. Learning and development is no exception and as L&D professionals, it’s important that we are not left behind and become perceived as archaic by our customers and stakeholders. The 70/20/10 approach to learning in organisations continues to grow and as it does, we are […]